Be Kind.
It's Good for the Mind.
Meredith Casey
2018 kindness
On February 16, 2018, amidst the news broadcasts of hate and school unrest, North Reading can be proud of its middle schooler's and school leadership. Together the Mighty Meredith Project and the North Reading Middle School, along with Meredith's friends and fellow students, promoted kindness in the classroom and hallways.
Using the platform that “Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.”, the entire North Reading Middle School learned about Meredith's 2-year medical journey (at the time) through a video, produced by NRMS students and teachers, on how kindness from many has been her source of strength and the impact one act of kindness can have on a person.
Students were welcomed first thing Friday, February 16, 2018 with kindness magnets, a viewing of the video, open discussion on the impact of being kind and took the kindness pledge. Kindness pledges were posted through the hallways of the North Reading Middle School for the remainder of the academic year.
Take the Pledge
Please join Meredith and her peers at the North Reading Middle School, along with the Mighty Meredith Project in taking the kindness pledge of how you will make the world a kinder place. And remember, “Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.”