Be Kind.
It's Good for the Mind.
Meredith Casey
“Be Kind. It's Good for the Mind”, the tagline of the Mighty Meredith Project and the center of the Mighty Meredith Project. Kindness is at our core.
When Meredith was at the acute stage of her illness, "her mother would tape the well-wishes and get-well cards to a wall in the corner of her room, soon to be referred to as the cozy corner. Eventually, the cards covered her entire room, making a peaceful and supportive sanctuary where she would escape from long days at the hospital or exhausting days at school. The visual and tangible messages of kindness and love helped Meredith get through some dark days when hope was thin."
When hope was seemingly lost, the mailbox was always a bright part of the day as the long-lost art of cards and hand-written notes brought much joy to Meredith. It was then, Meredith realized the impact one note of kindness can have on someone and has turned that into the guiding light of the Mighty Meredith Project.
There are two key areas of being Mighty Kind including the annual Kindness Scholarship and Sending Kindness to those who may be suffering in silence. In addition, we work with local groups, from Brownies to summer camps committing to kindness.
See how we have made being Mighty Kind a part of our DNA.
Commit to
On February 16, 2018, the entire North Reading Middle School took the Kindness Pledge.
How are you going to make your world a kinder place? What are you going to do differently tomorrow?
Take the Pledge and commit to kindness. #MMPKind
Being Kind One Act at a Time: If you know of someone who may be suffering in silence for any reason and could benefit from an act of kindness from the Mighty Meredith Project, please send us a message and include the following information:
Your name
Your email address
Complete the message section
In the message section, please include the following:
The person for whom you wish for us to send a note to and their mailing address
If you are willing to disclose, please give us a better idea of what the person may be going through. This is not necessary.
Please include what the person likes and we can tailor the message and small token of kindness, which is a gift card.
Upon receipt, the Mighty Meredith Project will send a note and a small gesture of kindness to the suggested individual from the Mighty Meredith Project. Please note it will take 1-2 weeks for processing.
There is NO charge to you!