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Mighty Smart  Events|Projects 

The Mighty Meredith Project does not conduct research or offer medical advice; however, a mission of the MMP is to create awareness and provide educational resources on the topic of traumatic brain injuries.   We bring education and awareness to Traumatic Brain Injuries and the impacts of having a "hidden disease" as well as fund education initiatives and TBI research. Key initiatives include:

Provide Awareness and resources for those suffering from a Traumatic Brain Injury 

Bring Awareness to Concussions

Partner with the CDC and their Heads Up Program



The Mighty Meredith Project is dedicated to bringing education and awareness to TBI's and the impacts of having a "hidden disease".

Tufts Grand Rounds with Dr. Petra Klinge

Tufts Grand Rounds with Dr. Petra Klinge

As part of the MMP Mighty Smart pillar of raising awareness of TBI's, we partnered with Tufts Pediatric Neurology team and Dr. Petra Klinge during COVID to bring her knowledge (virtually) to the Boston medical community on the topic of brain injuries and their hidden nature.

Tufts Grand Rounds with Dr. Petra Klinge

Tufts Grand Rounds with Dr. Petra Klinge

As part of the MMP Mighty Smart pillar of raising awareness of TBI's, we partnered with Tufts Pediatric Neurology team and Dr. Petra Klinge during COVID to bring her knowledge (virtually) to the Boston medical community on the topic of brain injuries an

Dr. Nowinski of the CLF

Dr. Nowinski of the CLF

On December 4, 2018, the Mighty Meredith Project hosted our first official "Mighty Smart" event with nationally acclaimed Dr. Chris Nowinski, Ph.D., co-founder and CEO of the Concussion Legacy Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to solving the sports concussion crisis through education, policy, and research.

Dr. Nowinski of the CLF

Dr. Nowinski of the CLF

On December 4, 2018, the Mighty Meredith Project hosted our first official "Mighty Smart" event with nationally acclaimed Dr. Chris Nowinski, Ph.D., co-founder and CEO of the Concussion Legacy Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to solving the sports concussion crisis through education, policy, and research.

Dr. Nowinski of the CLF

Dr. Nowinski of the CLF

On December 4, 2018, the Mighty Meredith Project hosted our first official "Mighty Smart" event with nationally acclaimed Dr. Chris Nowinski, Ph.D., co-founder and CEO of the Concussion Legacy Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to solving the sports concussion crisis through education, policy, and research.

Dr. Nowinski of the CLF

Dr. Nowinski of the CLF

On December 4, 2018, the Mighty Meredith Project hosted our first official "Mighty Smart" event with nationally acclaimed Dr. Chris Nowinski, Ph.D., co-founder and CEO of the Concussion Legacy Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to solving the sports concussion crisis through education, policy, and research.

Dr. Nowinski of the CLF

Dr. Nowinski of the CLF

On December 4, 2018, the Mighty Meredith Project hosted our first official "Mighty Smart" event with nationally acclaimed Dr. Chris Nowinski, Ph.D., co-founder and CEO of the Concussion Legacy Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to solving the sports concussion crisis through education, policy, and research.

Dr. Nowinski of the CLF

Dr. Nowinski of the CLF

On December 4, 2018, the Mighty Meredith Project hosted our first official "Mighty Smart" event with nationally acclaimed Dr. Chris Nowinski, Ph.D., co-founder and CEO of the Concussion Legacy Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to solving the sports concussion crisis through education, policy, and research.

North Reading Town Day

North Reading Town Day

North Reading Town Day

North Reading Town Day

But, you look fine....

But, you look fine....

This is by far, the hardest part of having a one knows you are hurting. Therefore, using kindness as our platform, send an act of kindness to someone who may be suffering silently. You never know how that one act of kindness may impact not only their day, but their life.

Brain Injury Association of MA

Brain Injury Association of MA

The Mighty Meredith Project was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation for all the work we are doing to raise TBI Awareness from the Brain Injury Association of MA. The BIA MA is an organization that provides advocacy, education, prevention and support for individuals who have suffered a brain injury. They have been a resource for my family, our organization and myself throughout my journey.

What is a TBI

What is a TBI

The Mighty Meredith Project has partnered with the CDC with the sharing of information. More information can be found on our website provided by the CDC "Heads Up" Program.

Concussion Legacy Foundation Meeting

Concussion Legacy Foundation Meeting

On this day, Meredith was able to meet with one of her biggest inspirations in the world of concussions, Chris Nowinski, co-founder of the Concussion Legacy Foundation and his team of superheros who every day champion concussion awareness, advocacy and prevention. He and the CLF have been Meredith's go to resource for information and inspiration.

Chris Nowinski - Co-founder CLF

Chris Nowinski - Co-founder CLF

Excited Meredith got to meet the "Mighty STRONG" Christopher Nowinski​ and the entire Concussion Legacy Foundation​ team, champions of concussion and CTE awareness, education and advocacy.

March Madness - TBI Awareness Month

March Madness - TBI Awareness Month

In honor of Traumatic Brain Injury Awareness Month, the Mighty Meredith Project (MMP) ran our own set of “March Madness” events and it was nothing short of Mighty Madness. Many people and organizations are to thank who helped the MMP meet our mission and purpose of raising awareness of Traumatic Brain Injuries and their hidden impact.

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