Be Kind.
It's Good for the Mind.
Meredith Casey
Donation Value
families served
toys Donated
gifts wrapped

Fill The
wHAt is
Fill the Box?
Since 2017, #fillthebox campaign has become an annual toy and gift card drive providing support to Hasbro Children's Hospital, Tufts Medical Cetner and Boston Children's Hospital. The annual "Fill the Box" program, the largest philanthropic event of the MMP provides for the following:
Toys, activities, and/or gift cards that help take the stress out of pediatric hospitalizations and frequent visits.
Gifts for children who are hospitalized on Christmas Day or during the holiday season.
Provides for families in financial need who have to choose between medical care or providing a holiday for their children.

December 2022: Toy Drop Off at Tufts Children's Hospital to benefit Child Life
As an inpatient and outpatient for many of Meredith's procedures, she has benefited from the kindness of stranger's donations during a difficult visits and hospitalizations. Aligning with the mission of the MMP of being Mighty Giving, she wanted to help bring joy to those who may be in a similar situation through giving back to hospitals where she has and continues to receive care.

July 2021 - Meredith receiving medical treatment and benefiting from the generosity of strangers to make her visit more comfortable.
How to Help?
You can Help us "Fill the Box" in many ways.
As we enter our seventh year, we are thankful to all the North Reading, MA and local businesses who have accepted a box during the holiday season and help us promote our biggest event of the year.
We also seek companies and/or departments who are looking for their annual "charity of choice". We have benefited significantly from many corporate partners over the last few years and are looking to add to our list.
As an individual or corporate donor, you can provide support in many ways.
Adopt a family who is in need of a real-life Santa Claus for the holiday season
Drop a toy at a box holder location
For online shopping and convenience, purchase through Amazon at any time
Make a financial donation
November 2019 - Meredith kicking off the annual Fill the Box campaign at the North Reading Tree Lighting.

We are excited to continue our partnership with both outpatient services at Tufts Medical Center and with their teenage inpatients under their care, Child Life, Hasbro Children's Hospital in Rhode Island and other local recipients who have to choose between a holiday and medical treatment during the holiday season. Please help us reach our goal of $25,000 in gifts, toys, and gift card donations.

Donation OPTIONS
A HUGE thank you to many local businesses to North Reading, MA who have taken on our cause for the 2024 holiday season.
Toy Drive - Completed and Much Success!
- North Reading Masons, located at 240 Park Street, North Reading
- Saturday, November 30th and Sunday, December 1st
- Toys collected
North Reading, MA - Box Holders ​
Boston Flower Market, North Reading
Holiday Parties and Corporate Affiliates
If you are interested in hosting a box site for your holiday party, please Contact Us for a box set up kit.
If you are interested in participating in this annual event with a toy or gift card donation, but are not local to a drop off location, please visit our Amazon Wishlist curated by our donation recipients.
Monetary Donations
If you are interested in making a financial donation in any dollar amount, please visit our Donation Page.